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Teaching is about the connection you have with your students. It’s about providing a safe place where students can not only learn, but explore. It’s about gaining life long knowledge. It’s about inspiring. It’s about igniting a fire in a student’s heart and mind, and helping them set goals and reach them. It’s about being a role model and it’s also about stability. Teaching is about so many things, and the list could go on and on.


Some of the most significant people in my life have been teachers. The most significant teachers that I’ve ever had had made connections with me that still flourish to this day whether they began 12 years ago, or just a few months ago at the beginning of my senior year. To me this is an important part of being an effective teacher; establishing life long connections. I’ve known that I’ve wanted to become a teacher ever since I can remember. Teachers inspire and help others and that’s someone who I strive to be one day.

Teaching should allow students to learn and explore subjects that actually interest them. Students should want to go to school, and they should have a fire and passion for learning there whole lives. Life is all about learning, and school is only the beginning of that journey, so it should be enjoyed and cherished. I want to be a teacher that inspires and students enjoy coming to class, and I want to provide an atmosphere where learning will not only happen but it will thrive.


One of the best things that happened to me while I was teaching was one morning I came in and there were only a few minutes until the final bell rang for class to begin. Not very many students were yet in the classroom besides the normal bunch who were always in there early. Before the rest of the students came piling in one of the students gets up from her desk and hands me a piece of candy and thanks me for being "nice and awesome" which I thought was a pretty cool experience since that has never happened to me before!

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